40% of Project 50: progress

Project 50: Progress and Thoughts

I’m 40% of the way in – let’s check in

So… I’m twenty days (well, technically 3 weeks) in. How am I doing? How’s my project 50 progress?

To start off with, still making a lot of art, although now it seems like there’s not enough time in the day to do everything! I’ve been kind of falling off on productivity this past week, I stayed up really late and have not been making my 8 AM wake up time. I’m getting back on track though! I’m getting back into my groove at work, I’ve been making art, and I’m going to sleep early today. It’s 11:30 right now, and I’m going to bed right after this. I resisted the temptation to play League today ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways. In terms of the workouts… it’s been hard this week for some reason, but I’m persevering. I’ve found it’s often hard to start a workout, but music does help. So far I’ve been pretty consistent at the gym, going every week day. I’m not quite consistent as I would like with walking on the weekends. If I’m going to the city that weekend, I’ll get in a lot of steps. Otherwise, I’ve been known to spend entire days on my butt. Last weekend, for example, I played a lot of League with friends and barely walked, which I think took a toll on me.

Speaking of. I’ve been cramping a lot, and I think it’s because the last four or so days, I haven’t been waking up and doing my morning routine. Thus, I have not been stretching… at all. It’s been taking a toll on my body, I can tell, which is why I’m going to try to get to bed earlier today. I’ve also been falling off on my reading, both educational and for pleasure, which I think is partly due to not doing it as part of my morning routine. The 8 AM wake up still remains the most difficult, but just because I’ve done it only 1/4 of the days thus far doesn’t mean I can’t improve.

The food situation continues to remain difficult mainly because of my budget and the inconsistency of the stores my card works at, two things I cannot control. I’ve been eating a lot of pizza… but at least I haven’t really been drinking sugar. Well, other than one mango lassi, but in my defense, I was trying something new.

Something that I’ve been really proud of is that I’m trying out a lot of new hobbies. Recently, I wrote a short story (which I briefly mentioned) about D&D characters. I’ve been drawing tieflings, which is a lot of fun. I’m practicing piano a lot and am halfway into a piece I might upload… I’ve been really liking listening to music, it’s something I underappreciated for the first seventeen years of my life. I’ve also been philosophizing a lot, which is always interesting if nothing else. But yeah, I’ve been enjoying keeping up with my skills! Not all of them are new, in fact, most aren’t, but I think the brain stimulation is there. I’ve even been improving at League and my mindset whilst playing, so that’s a win.

I’ve been recording my progress pretty much every day, including a morning journal when I do my morning routine. Obviously today I’m recording here; most days I record in notion. I’ve also been surprisingly keeping up with my journal, which I expect to finish by the end of the summer. I’ve really enjoyed just having my conversations with myself, and I think everyone should at least do 5 min of daily journaling.

Overall, I think I fell off pretty hard this week for a variety of reasons, but I plan to remedy that tomorrow – I think I’ll be in bed by (or close to) midnight today, and I think my mental turmoil will have settled. I resisted some temptations today, so I feel like my willpower is getting stronger. And I’m finding some sick beats ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, I have some ideas for changes regarding this website, but that’ll wait til later. Mostly website improvements, but also a bit of philosophy regarding my identity. Alright, goodnight for now! <3



